I help Smart and conscious Men overcome

overthinking & social anxiety,

to be confident, charismatic and find love.


Feel confident in your judgment, intuition, and skills instead of overthinking, overanalyzing, and doubting yourself.

Fearlessly approach, talk, and flirt with attractive women in a way that feels natural and authentic.

Have a charismatic presence who inspires respect and turns a room of strangers into friends.

Make no apologies for your desire as a man, keep the spark in your relationship and have a mind-blowing sex life.

Create a life on your terms that attracts high-quality and like-minded people.


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« I tended to be very intimidated
around women, [...] after speaking with Alban, I felt free to basically be myself. »

- ryan




PEOPLE helped



does your life reflect your desires?


Do you love your job and have a fulfilling hobbies and passions ?


Do you have an unshakable confidence in your judgment and abilities?


Are you unapologetically yourself without fear of being judged?


Do you feel in control of your thoughts and emotions?


Do you have habits that reflect the person you want to be?


Do you feel like you're living up to your full potential?


Do you have a solid network and deep friendships with men?


Do you have healthy and fulfilling relationship with women?

If you answer no to several of these questions...

You're not alone.
Unfortunately, many men endure the same fate.
Boys are too often raised without fathers in a society
that provides confusing information about masculinity, no
rituals into manhood, and no proper guidance from elders.

Not even considering the negative aspects of things like porn, social
media, dating apps or the news claiming that masculinity is toxic.

That's why we have smart and kind men overthinking
the slightest details, struggling to be themselves around
women they are attracted to, and unsure how to flirt and
move things forward. Men feeling ashamed, afraid or
disconnected from their own masculine power.

Fortunately, this is not a sentence for life.
Confidence can be improved.
Social skills can be learned.
You can transform.

My coaching is for you if you:

Love women.
Embrace challenges.
Are committed to change.
Value integrity and honesty.
Take responsibility for your life.
Believe you can have a great social life.
Are not interested in manipulation and deceit.
Do not blame others, circumstances, or the world.






01. Become an Integrated man

Say No to “Mr Nice Guys” and people-pleasing behaviors and take control of your life.

02. The Art of Attraction

Master the art of flirting and escalating physically in a way she loves.

03. Sub-Communication

Develop a powerful body language that projects confidence and competence and learn to read the signal she sends you.

04. Build your Inner Compass

Learn how to listen to and trust yourself in any situation and be the powerful leader you can be.

05. Unleash Your Authentic, Unapologetic Self

Create real connections and inspire love and respect through radical honesty.

06. Become Unstoppable

Master the science and power of habits to transform your life one day at a time.

07. Build a Strong & Peaceful Mind

Learn effective strategies to turn off overthinking and the negative self-talk holding you back.

08. Create and Maintain New Relationships

Develop healthy relationships on your terms, built on compatibility, support, and loyalty.

09. Keep the Passion Alive

Understand Masculine and Feminine polarities so you never worry about the spark dying or her leaving.

10. Man-to-Woman Communication

Understand how women communicate, and never have boring or platonic conversations that lead nowhere.

11. Overcome Social Anxiety and Sexual Shame

Regain control over negative emotions like fear, anxiety, jealousy, anger, and resentment.

12. The Way of the Superior Lover

Learn about the untold desires of women and the technical & psychological secrets of a mind-blowing sex life.

How Does The Coaching Process Work?


Free discovery call (60 Minutes)

This is a casual conversation to explore your situation, goals, and vision and see if we’d be a good fit working together.

I don’t sell. I have limited spots each month and I’m only interested in working with people who are a “HELL YES”.

So whether we work together or not, you’ll gain clarity on what’s limiting you, how to overcome it, and your next steps.


your path to success

Once you see the value in my program and we agree to work together we’ll decide on the details of the coaching engagement:

  • Duration
  • Number of calls
  • Support between sessions



During each session, we analyze and explore your situation in this space of honesty and unconditional support.

I’ll help you gain clarity through powerful questions and provide you with the information, tools and feedback necessary to facilitate transformation.

At the end of our session, I’ll suggest exercises for you to implement during the week.

In between sessions, you have access to me 24/7 through telegram, WhatsApp or email for continued guidance and feedback.

there ARE many coaches.
why work with me?


It varies for each individual of course, but if you commit to the process and do the work you’ll be improving day after day. Remember, even though changes can be immediate, coaching is not about quick shallow fixes, it’s about transforming your life.

Absolutely. At the core of confidence are issues with self-image and competence. I help you overcome self-doubt, negative self talk and limiting beliefs as well as give you clear direction and strategies to improve your skills.

You want someone who has been there and understands your issues. Someone experienced, knowledgeable, and specialized in the area you are looking to improve on. It’s also essential you feel a sense of trust and rapport with him.

I know the struggles and I’ve seen it all.
I was depressed, fat, and socially anxious.
I used to be addicted to weed and video games.
I have been cheated on in a 10-year relationship.
I’ve experienced all kinds of relationships, from open relationships, to polyamorous and long-distance.

Through years of obsessive learning, experimenting around the world, and the right mentors I transformed all aspects of my life. 

I became fit, traveled the world, had a spiritual awakening, and have been living off my passion.
I had an unbelievable dating life with funny, smart, and successful women including models, “Miss”, experienced things I don’t talk about on the internet, and found the dream woman I’m building a life with.
I understand what it takes to get there and how important it is to do this work, that’s why I made it my mission to help others not struggle like I did.

You have access to me 24/7 through Telegram or Whatsapp to adress anything that might block you, so that a one-day slump doesn’t turn into a wasted week.

Great question ! Therapy is about the past and focused on problems. Coaching is focused on the present and is solution-oriented for a better future. A life coach helps you set and achieve goals, develop the right habits and improve your life overall.

Of course, good looks, 6 packs, and a mansion don’t hurt, but because men’s attraction is visually based they assume that women work the same way, but they don’t. 

All men have the potential to be attractive, and once you understand what attracts women, man-to-woman communication, and how to present your best most authentic self, you’ll see how easy it actually is.

That’s absolutely OK.
Coaching is a safe space of privacy, honesty, vulnerability, and a co-creating process.
I understand we all have different backgrounds, personalities, and histories so I always respect your boundaries and would never force your hand or pry. I’m here to serve YOU and keep you accountable for what YOU decide is in your best interest.

Let me ask you, what is the cost of staying the same?
What has it cost you already?
Investing in coaching is investing in yourself and your future.
I can guarantee that you’ll have insights, knowledge, and skills that will impact all aspects of your life, so you tell me if it’s worth the investment.